Re: Fighting Salamanders as Eriu (cbm 1.71)
2E2W allows the fireward spell. I think Eriu's cap mage can get 1E1W, water ring + earth boots on one can cast it, 1 of them with each large army should take care of things. Fireward is ench 4 or there about. Army of gold might be abit deep on the research tree and only your pretender can cast natively.
Just pack your thugs together and have them cast elemental fortitude, then have the mage cast fireward on them to get a pack of fire immune thugs. If I remember correctly magic damage doesn't pop mistform unless it does damage (so 100% FR means fire won't pop your mistform, do test it though).
Or, even just fireward on your army will hugely improve their effectiveness against abysia, though probably not enough to overcome AI resource bonus if you go toe to toe (maybe setting up a lab in a swamp province and high conj access to animal horde can come close if you have good N income).
Mechanical giant also aren't bad either, seeing how your pretender can make them...
Make sure you drop rain to cut heat and fire evoc down by a ton too.