Thread: Infernal Sword
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Old December 22nd, 2010, 03:42 PM

earwicker7 earwicker7 is offline
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Default Re: Infernal Sword

Originally Posted by Ragnars Wolves View Post
By worthless didn't mean you should not read it or use some of the tables in it. If you were brand new, without it you would just wander around without ANY direction.

I mean it is worthless in the way of outdated...The only good I get out of it is some of the charts for artifacts, spells, and a general overview of a nation. Other than that even most of Nation guides (even the ones done by some VERY talented people) are way out of date because of CBM and other mods that are common place now.

It may be MY fault because I jumped right into MP and didn't play 1 SP game. But when I spend tons of turns, time, and effort to set up my plan....and then find out the artifacts don't even work as described so I have to scrap that plan and start just becomes too tedious for me personally.

Others seem to have NP with it.
I don't see how you could expect Shrapnel to base the manual on mods.

If there are enough people interested who still play without mods, and we could get Shrapnel's OK, I'd be happy to help coordinate an army of volunteers to get the manual updated. I think that if you assign very limited things to each person ("You find out if the in-game descriptions of Thaumaturgy levels 1 through 3 match the book"), it would be something that could get done.
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