Originally Posted by Fantomen
But why replace it rather than add your own list as well? Easily separated as: CBM / VANILLA or the like. Or post your suggestion to the authors and ask for their opinion?
I'd be pretty upset if someone replaced my Agartha guide with their own on the wiki for example, even if I myself thought it was more up to date or better I'd feel belittled if not asked.
I do agree your way to organise it is better though (exept I beleive CBM is dominant enough to be considered the norm these days, but that's a whole different discussion), so the issue isn't the quality of your work but rather the insensitivity in it's execution.
Since you asked nicely...
Simply put, I did not see the list as a "guide," or even a personal work that somebody might have pride in it. It was just to basic in purpose, only slightly above a page that discusses various magic paths, which are open season for anyone who wants to edit to improve them. Sorry, Priestly, thats just how it came across. When I linked to it from the front page, I thought of ways to improve it, and did so. I guess I could have asked, but I had the time then and quite frankly, nothing was lost. I then linked to my changes from this message board to get feedback. Now, the original list is still there on the wiki in edit histories. So, if people thought that the board was best served by having 2 separate lists, that would be easy to accomplish. I certainly did not see my changes as being the end game. I saw them as...
original index...> my improvements...> Further improvements.
I disagree with CBM being dominate, but that is another discussion. However, the real reason for making the front-page linked articles relevant to unmodded Dominions is stability. CBM updates, sometimes drastically, roughly every 6 months. Players do not always use the latest version. While there is certainly a place for CBM notes throughout, I think trying to keep up with the various changes from version to version is losing battle. Take Baalz's CBM focused guide on Machaka. He recommends a Pretender strategy of getting Earth-3 on a pretender to build a Dwarven hammer as soon as construction-2 is reached to start spamming Fever Fetishes. Ooops. Contributors to the wiki just cannot keep up with the changes to say nothing of trying to document the many different iterations of CBM. They can build a database around the base game, with supplementary content for those who use CBM. Maybe the original index is such content.
Well, my relatives just arrived for holidays, so I have to go entertain, but I hope this sort of answered your query.