Agreed, if its a cbm version guide, then it should be labeled, and its better to put vanilla version on the main page rather than cbm version. But it is really impolite to foundamentally change others work as Omikron did, he should create his own page, and I'm sure people will support his version eventually~
As for the rank of this list, I'm sure there will be much controversy, but no need to change list until a conclusion has been made......Unless there are something everyone missed
I think Sceptre of Dark Regency is overrated, because it is not irreplaceable like other tier 1 items(or can't be replaced massively at least).
Magic lamp, well, its kinda useless since everyone might take it away from you anytime....But its path just too good, so someone might find a way to keep it for himself. A standard method is wish lamp after summon djinn, or vice versa. Either way, your enemy will have to kill your djinn or wish it rather than just forge a lamp, for the djinn will only disappear in the turn the "summon djinn" casted. A lower cost method which mummify djinn are nolonger accessible in 3.24, but you can still get its path by invest vast amount of D gems, you know how

Anyway, the rate of magic lamp are debatable, depend on how much you want it.
Crown of the Ivy King can be a least version of soul stone, in time it will provide considerable chaff. But it is fair to put it into tier 3, though.
Igor Könhelm's Tome are surely underestimated IMHO. Yeah it give storm power 5 which will be really useful for SCs, but like Crown of the Ivy King, it can be used in a better way. combine with a lightning rod, you can summon 14 corpse construct with 1 A, its pretty easy to mass hundreds of lightning immune 14MR walking dead that can be further buffed,though certain path is needed. So its not totally suck isn't it?
Sword of Justice&Injustice: As Corinthian mentioned, its really useful for those bless nation with only H2 or even H1(Hinnom), one prophet is surely not enough. Btw, did sword of injustice really cast Protection of the Sepulchre?
O'al Kan's Sceptre is AN damage, plus small area stun with some 20+ fatigue damage,can't say its totally useless.