Thread: Guide The Artifact Tier List
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Old December 23rd, 2010, 10:18 AM
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Default Re: The Artifact Tier List

I was strongly leaning one direction on all this. Until the guides was brought up. That is an excellent point. There are guides which are considered jokes, but often for a reason such as the guide being (and saying) it was written for solo play but being used as a joke suggestion for mp play. Id hate to see solo guides to be "fixed" or made "more generally useful" by being rewritten for mp, or mp with cbm. Or vice versa.

I havent seen lch wade in on this yet, but I think the general wiki rules on the net are:
A) a wiki article is meant to be community edited (altho some wiki's specify only certain people to that community editing)
B) if you want to make a point that is not edited it should be a link to something outside of the wiki editing tools
The "advantage" (arguably) of wiki is that the back and forth editing is supposed to eventually settle into the middle with descriptions that are acceptable to both sides of a subject. That's why its a wiki and not a blog.

Guides on the wiki being wiki-edited might be interesting but I suspect they wouldnt settle into an agreement any more than the discussions about those nations do here on the forum. It might work better to switch to having a wiki page for each nation, which discusses the nation in general informational terms and LINKS to individual guides. That way the wiki page would swing back and forth eventually getting rid of words like "best" or "sucks" to describe a nation but the links to guides hosted elsewhere would reflect different peoples individual opinions about how a nation should be played.
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