Originally Posted by Duncan_Frost
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
C) before making Shrapnel mad
D) before making Illwinter mad
Why would Shrapnel and/or Illwinter get angry about the community fixing their mistakes, for free? I don't frequent these forums very often but are they really that uptight about this kind of thing?
Not at all. Fixing errors for free would be great. But Ive seen this type of thing come up on many game forums, and can clearly see where the same problems would come up here. It tends to depend on how careful the person doing it is about not insulting the people who have the power to approve.
One at a time, an item might be agreed on as being an actual error that the original person made in the manual. But saying that any particular person can do a project like this tends to run into SOMETHING that sparks a disagreement in terms. There are mistakes, then there are updates, then addendums and clarifications (adding to the manual), then there are outright rewrites of the manual into a completely new style outside of what was desired by the devs.
Really all we need to do is make an errata document, with page references in the manual and notes on what is wrong.
There are threads for that, and a prominent link on the OFFICIAL WIKI which says "Manual Errata". But even those make my point clear. Like many things about this game "everyone knows" that there are "many" errors in the manual, and things like best nations, sucky nations, killer strategies, exploits, etc. But when it comes to pinning them down to an agreement on what those are, it tends to be not nearly the problem that "everyone knows".
Manual Errata on the Wiki
Discussion Thread on Manual Errata