Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
If I remember right, the 5-script was the reasonable amount of time into a combat that pre-combat suggestions would tend to reach. After all, Mages were considered to be commanders in their own right.
However they turned out to be either severely mentally challenged commanders, or just folks who bought a mages diploma and didn't know what to do actually.
IMO, the main problem with late stages of the game is the limited usage of mages in battles. That's why most games revolve around SC's who are just scripted to buff and kill in 90% of the time. And usually that's the main battle strategy in almost every single game as you just can't rely on the AI scripting.
How many of you actually use armies in the late stage of the game? That's a damn fast way to lose any game. The enemy just sets up a trap and most of the time you'll be dead precisely because of the 5 turn rule.
You get that very limited amount of time to hopefully penetrate MR with certain spells, or get lucky if the enemy get's in range, and after that the mages are as good as non-existing for most parts. They quite commonly even do more damage than good.
So, would it be possible to make a "repeat" action? As in you script your mage to cast Pillar of Fire for example, and he continues to do so for the remainder of the battle.
I think this could brink to a very large battle spells diversification. For example instead of having 5 mages scripted to cast say Soul Slay and Bane Fires, who will after the initial 5 turns change to casting something like paralyze (which is in my comparison putting down a fire arm to pick up a pebble to throw at your enemies ) and fire flies, you set one mage to cast Soul Slay, one to cast Bene Fires, one to cast Pillar of Fire etc.
So instead of just relying on the initial 5 spells from your mages, after which you pray they hit something useful every now and than, you get as many rounds of the stuff you've orders for the duration of the battle. So in stead of 5x5 you get 5x50 spells.
Would this idea be feasible or am I just talking out of my ars?