Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
The AI does extensive thinking, and any more would cause more complaints than now.
Gandalf, why do you think so? There is a large enough list of MP games on llamaserver. MP games have heavy drawbacks vs. SP games:
player can do no more then one turn per about 3 days, and even worse - he should do so; his waiting time for turn results - three days, much more even if AI would think much longer; player don't customize game as he wants in minutes but should come to agreement with others on forum (and others should also want a game somewhere of that type and in that time); player is not sure that the challenge of the game would randomly and dramatically decrease/decrease due to someone can make a chaotic (not intended to win) warfare or leave a game. And all that for a high chance of a good intellegence of opponents. I agree that turn time may be of importance for beginners, but veterans, especially with games on large maps, generally don't like (I am quite sure) that they make turn for a few hours, and AI makes stupid decisions, also in few minutes. Processor should work for me, not I for him.