Originally Posted by Fantomen
Originally Posted by Edi
However, mostly what happens at other sites does not, or should not, concern this forum. I would much prefer it if disputes related to the Dom3 wiki stayed on the Dom3 wiki instead of spilling over to this forum.
This dom3 community is a cluster of several sites and services, of which this forum is one leg. There's the wiki, dom3mods, llamaserver, dom3minions, shrapnel forums and the IRC channel. (Tell me if I missed any.) They not only concern each other, they're part of the same whole. Trying to keep them from "spilling over" into each other is a fools errand.
In this case, where the intention was to open a public debate concerning the wiki page, the fora is a more efficient communication tool than the wiki, as it will reach more people faster.
What I mean is that ideally events at one site should not cause undue uproar here. Not that everything is hermetically sealed.
In this case, page edits at the Dom3Wiki are causing a flamewar here, which is exactly the kind of thing I mean. If people want to discuss the merits of a different list of things or such on the wiki, by all means they are welcome to do so. In an appropriately civil manner. If that standard can't be met, that particular discussion gets shut down.
It is a further demerit in the record of the people engaging in flaming that a Wiki by its very nature is a publicly editable resource and things cannot be expected to stay static. This applies even to radical alterations, though as pointed out, in a community this small, the courtesy of asking an original active author about it beforehand is not an especially onerous task.
If we want to take a different hypothetical example, if people were saying less than friendly things about me elsewhere (say, the stardestroyer.net or heavengames.com forums), that's still not going to affect how I interact them with here. However, if a flamewar over something started at one of those places or somewhere else migrated here, then it would become an issue on this forum and other moderators would need to deal with it.
In this respect, the Dom3Wiki, Dom3Mods, the IRC channel and other venues that form the aggregate larger community of Dominions 3, are separate from this forum. And in this respect they should stay separate.
Does that make my position clearer?