Originally Posted by Executor
God dammit Kurtiza! That was horrifically annoying. Please stay out of my war with Pythium.
Well Corwin, looks like BL saved your ars on the south front this turn. My plans got quite spoiled by BL's little stunt. It was sort of a continues plan, that initial wave was a suicide run.  It worked well enough I might add, although, once again, the AI failed to cast a spell for me, riggor mortis this time.
Yeap, I've seen BL going armageddon on your a*ss south of the island.

A bit of overkill but nicely done.

Its a pity all your troops were undead in that battle Executor, your battlefields have always been an important source of death gem income for my nation in this game, delivered by my little ravens...
However I am not sure how did it save my *** in the south. Your initial undead wave that you've thrown at me this turn should not have been unaffected by BL actions farther south. And I have wiped out that wave with no real losses on my side, except transformning 100+ of my chaff wolfes into chaff soulless. Which means your important bottleneck castle would have fallen anyway, as it did this turn. Your next wave of undeads, if it will arraive, will be delayed by one turn due to BL raiding island castle this turn, but one turn doesn't really make a difference in that particular local military theater now that I've secured a bottleneck castle on our southern front.
Not a bad turn overall. Not quite what I expected but still. I don't think either of us lost anything important this turn.
Really? Interesting. Because I am pleased with this turn myself. I am on offensive on 4 out of 5 our fronts, and have captured two of your castles this turn.
Of course it leaves our 5th and the most important central front, where situation is very different and where you are on offesive. Frankly I am very surprised that you haven't attacked with larger force there, after you have delivered a heavy blow to my troops there last turn. The troops that you have moved forward this turn are barely able to scratch my castle's walls that are being repaired by my defenders, while you have 4500 undeads sitting next to my besieged castle, according to my scouts. But I am not complaining if you are ok with giving me time that I badly need to regroup and rebuild my defences there that you have managed to shatter last turn.
Nevertheless overall I agree with you, neither of us lost anything important this turn. And both your regenerating SCs have managed to escape after either killing number of my troops, while your 3rd SC has routed my small communion.
Oh, you beat me to the uniques, I really wanted the Scepter of Corruption.

You have beaten me to the Pocket Lich though.
BTW, that's what, 1,2,3,4,5... 6! fronts for me ATM.
Well, I hope to kick you out from the northern continent in the coming turns. If I will succeed in these efforts, it will eleminate 2 of our fronts, making things easier for you.
Of course, should Jotuns decide to jump on me, as I suspect they will sometime soon, or should you manage to achieve a breakthrough on our central front, where you are pilling a tidal wave of 4.5K+ troops against my weakened defences, things could get ugly fast for my nation.
One thing for sure - next few turns are going to be very intense...
P.S. BTW can Dom3 engine handle 4K+ units in one battle?