The army lost in BL's lands was of no importance, I expected as much, doe I hoped he wouldn't rush in blindly, or at least try to invade former Ulms lands.
The raiding Yaksha or whatever that was is what's annoying me. That one turn set back really hurts me, and I almost lost all those mages and a Tart who retreated from the battle cause of it.
You have indeed secured that one fort, yes, however there are still 4-5 forts around that one and an immense army on the border, while you have no back up.
In any case, the suicide run achieved what is was supposed to do, I only lost half a K of useless chaff.
As for the water fort, I can't even count that as a loss, water forts represent nothing to land nations. I had hoped to kill those SC's of yours with my Tartarian, however that Troll King proved more than I could chew. I'm still not sure how he managed to almost kill the Tartarian, he did have very high defense but that shouldn't have mattered that much with the 12 attacks from the gloves, and stone bird I think?
The north does worry me a bit, but I don't think your forces are sufficient to win you that front, hopefully.
As for the central front, I do not need the fort to overrun your lands.
Perhaps I should have sent more troops but I couldn't risk my forces retreating due to chaff again. I wanted to be sure your SC's would get dealt with if they decided to make yet another stand.
And I like it this way, if you go in this turn you go in blind, you can't teleport on top of me, I have the first round so I'm rather confident, doe I welcome any attempt to storm, it would be much easier than for me to try and squeeze trough a bottle neck castle gate.
I guess you didn't try to make the Tartarian Chains,
So far you are clearly winning and have a much greater lead on me, but perhaps things can still change.