Originally Posted by quantum_mechani
Originally Posted by Baalz
Originally Posted by sector24
My least favorite part of LA Pythium is the commander with the blood random. In one game I recruited 40 of them before I got one. That pretty much kills the blood strategy when the RNG does not cooperate.
That's unlikely to happen if the RNG is actually working randomly. If 25% of them get a blood random then you've got a 97% chance of landing at least one blood random after recruiting 12. Sounds buggy unless you're exaggerating.
The chance of a random was only 10% base, and in CB versions before 1.7.
Also, does anyone have any suggestions about giving the Mystes a niche?
Thematically, Mystes are supposed to be lesser initiates on the same path of initiation that later leads to Epoptes, so it's hard to justify them not being subsets of Epoptes.
If you look at the Greek mystery cults that these are based on, the Mystes are initiated into the mysteries of Persephone (goddess of the underworld) and then Epoptes are additionally initiated to the mysteries of Demeter (goddess of the hearth/fertility). There is also a focus on duality of soul/body, and on transitions (the basic draw of the cult was apparently that it promised insights into the afterlife or some form of immortality for the initiated, though it's clearly not straightforward "stay alive forever just as you are" immortality.) So, based on that, you could fairly reasonably extend them something death/underworld related.
Perhaps some undead leadership? Minor death magic itself is already reliably filled by the Renata/Renatus, though. It would still be hard to thematically justify *not* giving whatever you gave the Mystes to the Epoptes, though, except via some sort of "transition/transformation" explanation. I suppose you could give them some kind of magical "reaper" or banishment attack, but it's hard to imagine them thugging out too much.
Maybe you could just make them even cheaper so they improve as (non-heretical) research factories? A lesser supply bonus?