Thread: Blood Question
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Old December 28th, 2010, 04:19 PM

TheConway TheConway is offline
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Default Re: Blood Question

1- Soul contracts are specifically hard coded to not benefit from const bonuses
2- All other forged blood items can be made w/hammers no problem.
3- Scout ferrying is usually the best way, though certain nations might like to have labs in their bloodhunting provs so their hunters can cast on demand (MA-LA Abysia for example)
4- In general, you want no more than 2-3 hunters per province. 2 if they are b3 or higher, 3 if they are lower seems to be a useful rule of thumb. This is assuming you aren't patrolling
5- IIRC, the most efficient bloodhunting provinces are those w/5k pop, making less than 100g per turn. Less than 5k pop reduces the number of slaves you will get, while going higher does not gain you any more. However, if you are a major blood nation you will usually end up hunting in 70%+ of your provinces anyway regardless of population.
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