Lingchih, I didn't start in this game, I took over around turn 5-10ish. And than again I was absent from about turn 25-35, so I'm not sure what to think of your remarks. I think I did reasonably good.
As for game breaking numbers, that all falls into water once you get stuck at 3 choke provinces such as I did, and can't even use the seas. I can't risk using more than 500 undead per battle to try and breach the fronts. Ermor is kind of a one trick nation, and I didn't get lucky with almost any indie mages.
Well **** me, that was a dreadful turn a? I guess you got some hurting too there Corwin, I assume that didn't go as well as you'd hoped? I got a load of your items and artifacts from the central front. Good thing I set all my units to guard commander or the results might have been far worse for me. And a fairly lousy decision to cast army of lead, but I didn't expect wrathful skies to be honest...
Who escaped btw, only the water queen or did I miss someone else?
I hate those damn things with their crazy regeneration, they are far superior to the rest of the ERoys.
I sure as hell didn't expect that crazy Tartarian landing in the back, also, why did you give an S2 Tartarian the forbidden light?
Heh, and gate stone? I guess you aren't holding back any more, when you bring it, you really bring it huh?
Not sure I can match all of that stuff...
Oh, and that damn mage of mine used up 3S gems for soul drain, not two, so the Tartarian and himself died instead of casting VoR... sigh
At least they took a fair amount of your troops and mages with them.
BTW, did you really have to steel my mercs? You expected I'd storm Ulm didn't you? Luckily I forgot some gems.

Not sure what happened to the other mercs doe..?
Well, 11 forts under siege this turn, thank you BL and indipendants, and presumably another one about to fall in the water front...
It seems we'll have to take control over Ulm and Bandar fast, they're on the upraise.
I think I preferred the old, more peaceful BL leader.
P.S. Did you like my boxing gang?

I think they're pretty awesome