Thanks for the game guys! @Fantomen - maybe we're fighting right this second in No Wankers.
@Dark Kitty - I'm curious what you had in mind if you don't mind sharing. I had so many resources (184 gems and 92 blood slaves came in this last turn), artillery (earth attack, mind hunt, ghost riders, hoard from hell, seeking arrow) and nearly immune to everything (~30MR Cold/Frost/Lightning immune) SCs ready to teleport/trapeze anywhere, along with air drop army killer mages (staff of storms + wrathful skies and firestorm, rain of stones, bloodletting) that I couldn't really think of anything you could do to cause me enough damage to even overcome how much income I had for one turn. I figured you undeniably could cause me some losses on defense by fighting in castles and the water, but I couldn't imagine you successfully every going on the offense, same for Fantomen.