Thread: Nerf
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Old January 4th, 2011, 12:07 PM
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Default Re: Nerf

Originally Posted by krpeters View Post
I bypassed the bless strategy because my real objective this game is to try something differnet -- Golems laying down Astral Tempest on AI superarmies. The Golem will teleport in, cast, and then recall out. Simultainously, the kings will cloud trapeze in and stand around while AT does its work killing.
Provided your game is up to date, battlefield wide spells go down if the caster dies or leaves the battlefield. So your golems have to stick around during the entire battle for this to work. But it's a fun idea.

My own advice to deal with the big AI armies early on is skip the power playing and go the hard but fun way. Make advanced forces with a mix of troops for different purposes (arrow catchers, frontline, artillery, flankers etc), and support them with those mages you feel like trying out new tricks with. This way you'll learn the most about battlefield tactics, placement and how to use the less obvious magic. Which in conjunction with testing out MP builds and expansion techniques, is the whole point of playing the AI at all.
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