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Old January 4th, 2011, 12:39 PM

Tecnócrata Tecnócrata is offline
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Default Province Defense: too powerful?

Greetings, gentlemen. Received the order yesterday, and played 2 games so far. But... My impression is that Province Defense is too cheap and gives too many troops.

What do you think? Once I build 50 or so, my provinces become pretty much unconquerable.

Not liking to play by house rules, I've made a mod that roughly cuts first tier amounts in half, and second tier by 1/3, for ALL nations depending on their original numbers. That way you cannot rely on PD to secure conquests, particularly when bordering enemy nations. With PD 50 you have around 70 defending units, not enough to stop a serious attack. When on 75, 100 defending units are not enough either, since on Difficult the AI is able to assemble armies of 200 with relative ease.

If anyone is interested, please let me know and I post it.

Thanks, gentlemen.
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