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Old January 7th, 2011, 11:48 AM

Finalgenesis Finalgenesis is offline
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Default Re: Gluttony - LA Game - Running

Beware of the cornered beast! (… and cornered we are, in every sense of the word.)

Our vault is a shadow of it's former overflowing past as our enemies wised up and our loots dried up. (Though we are thankful for the latest contribution, we will put it to good use…)

Every month our circle dwindles, as children gather to grimly watch their parent(s) strap on suicide packs (1 pearl) and march to war, waving their trunks tragically. (You just made 3 orphans last month mister! You monster you!)

Oh, we are accepting any donations to the orphan suicide traini… errr orphaned war victim fund. (preferably in pearls)

Our gem management department stands vacant, as spawns after spawns go insane and quit the position. (Is monthly gemflow statements too much to ask?!)

Our popula… wait what population?

Ahhh… Another day in R'yleh.
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