Re: High level design thoughts
Very well said sir, I think you are onto something by mentioning more attention to the fiction and resilience of a good story as well as an RPG element to the game universe.
I too am not swayed so heavily into playing cookie cutter 4X space games. They all seem so tedious in the long run. There is no real purpose to any of it after a while. And you nailed it with your description of cut and paste worlds. I am a big supporter of having each world quite unique in its own right, a world can share many similarities to others, but must have some uniqueness in order for a player not to become bored. My suggestion is to offer a multi-tiered system of planet resources, some being uniquely able to be utilised by certain races. There needs to be alot of flavour text style descriptions to each planet... maybe a little history on each system to get the player inspired to discovering more worlds in the Star Legacy Universe.
Ultimately I am still hoping for an extensive solar system UI, that makes just looking at your empire a wholly immersive and satisfying experience. I liked Hegemonia's way of displaying worlds... I think Armada was very lazy in this regard. And Sins just focuses on combat, so its not a good example either.
To have worlds that have realistic star classifications and orbits, has not been done properly since God knows when. Even Spore is a poor mans version, of what could be. I think so far Nexus Jupiter Incident offers the most accurate stellar and planet cartology. For now I wait with bated breath for the next Sword of the Stars, which boasts extensive solar system terrain for micromanagement and waging interesting battles in.