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Old January 7th, 2011, 01:37 PM

Sajuuk Sajuuk is offline
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Default Re: End game diversity mod

That would be a huge carpet lol

Why I can't edit my post? Anyway, ember lord, its amazing, perhaps too powerful combined with some tricks:a hydra skin armor for regenaration and a earth boot for summon earth power and invulnerability,or a rime hauberk for cold immune even after cast stone skin, and a "ice&fire" aura for double fatigue damage, or something give it berserker so that it won't rout before its pheonix pyre fully utilized....A obvious effect is it greatly improve the priority of eternal pyre, in one game 3 players try to control it, though in the end it was replaced by a maelstrom. It costs 60 gems, less than 2 zmey, so if not in desperate condition people will surely same gem for them rather than summon dozens of zmey like TC in one game. Poor tc, his enemy abysia now have 7 fully geared ember lords, and able to summon 2 every 3 month due to a site.

mechanical man: Seems nobody construct them except ma agartha——80 HP makes it worth trying. However, his giants were cutted into pieces by hundreds of samurai along with some marble oracle. I dont know if it is because he didn't equip them well. 12 mr is also a deadly flaw when someone try to use opposition, control or disintegrate against it

Ettin: 3 weapon with 6 ambidextrous, relatively high attack and considerable strength, it would be an excellent anti sc while quicken, but it seems hard to survive swarm of chaff when try to get close to enemy sc. Or we can give it 3 shield and a boot of behemoth, but a trampler can hardly be useful when you have reach enchantment 7...Maybe someone have summoned one or two just in case, but others just ignore it. I summoned one in one game, but so far only give it a crown of ivy king AND a ivy crown to summon vine man free chaff as ivy lord 3.....

true fire bird: I don't know if some one have it. maybe only those who have too many F or really need free solar brilliance will summon it.

roc: I use to think it is much less useful compare to shishi, but actually its seige and patrol bonus alone worth more than 18 gems.....flying and deep striking seige engines can tear down your multiple castles in one turn......

kraken: so far no real feat done by them.....
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