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Old January 11th, 2011, 07:50 PM

Doo Doo is offline
Join Date: Mar 2010
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Hi People

This is the thread for a five humans vs AI's game.

The map will be Cradle of Dominion, firstly run through the SemiRand program and then passed off to NT Jedi who has offered to improve the AI's chances with a few tricks. Thanks NT Jedi

There are two AI teams, 3 land AI's in a team (Abysia, Niefelheim and Tien Chi) and 1 water AI by itself (Atlantis).

Game Parameters are:

Era: Early Era

Mods: Better Independents 2.1 (click to find the download). We are using the Gold and Resources version.

Patch: 3.26

Renaming: On

Hall of Fame Entries: 15

Gold, Production and Gem Site Frequency: Normal

Research: Hard

Graphs: Off

Turn Timer: I will set the turn timer initially to 48 hours but ask that players, at least up to turn 15, take their turns every 24 hours. Extensions will be granted when asked for. If turns start getting too long the tun timer will be lengthened.


Endomorphious - C'tis
Hrum - Kailasa
Mauxe - Caelum
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria
Doo - Tir na n'Og

During play I intend to record the action from my point of view using FRAPS and creating an AAR.

Turns 1 to 16 for Tir na n'Og AAR

Turns 17 to 23 for Tir an n'Og AAR

Last edited by Doo; February 20th, 2011 at 06:21 AM..
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