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Old January 12th, 2011, 08:38 AM
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Default Re: Cloud Trapeze & commanded troops

Originally Posted by oldbone View Post
When a mage casts cloud trapeze, does his/her commanded troops follow?
No, they remain in the province the commander trapezed from.

If you want to move the army with the commander (just the troops under the command of the mage casting the ritual, ie the other commanders and troops under their command will not follow), you have to cast one of the following:

- Faery Trod (to forest provinces only, if there are forest provinces next to the target forest, the commander may get lost and end up in wrong forest)
- Stygian Paths (you may lose troops (or the commander) and/or gain afflictions on the way)
- Gateway (to a province with a controlled laboratory)
- Astral travel (the only sure fire thing to get your army where you want to get it)
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