Re: Sitting on the fence
It wouldnt be a serious game. At least Im not picturing it as one.
And if its all-nations then that is 68? different nations in the game. That can go up to 95 if we included some large package of modded nations. I dont think anyone is expecting all of those to be active all the time. And as I said, only some people are really interested in early game. And those might fallout by mid game as "too much micromanagement".
Im also thinking it would be best to use the SemiRand god builds just so there is no bickering about what someone did for a build. That way if anyone feels that a god build was particularly unuseful for that nation we can just suggest that they submit a better one to be included in SemiRand.
One big problem I see is that we might want it to be two games to allow the "just curious" to pick up files WITHOUT a chance of changing them. At least until the choices in the Options menu get fixed for that, and maybe the 'e' key disappears. Or maybe only accept turn files sent by email for the hosting. That would block accidental changes and insure that only the more serious people are doing turns.