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Old January 12th, 2011, 08:05 PM
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Default Re: Sitting on the fence

OK another result of conversation.

A) Team games are great. No worries about back stabbing. Long involved battle plans. Sharing resources. A loss to one of the team isnt such a downer if balanced by a gain.

B) Team games suck! Micromanagement. Lack of coordination. No real feel of winning. Some people cant team, all they do is play solo with a permanent NAP.

Well lots more was said on both sides. But one of MY points was that I often see teams not being selected to make best use of pros/cons to fill in gaps and boost abilities.

Game concept: One Man Teams
Someone else might have done this in the past and I apologize for not remembering if you did. But the thought is for 1-player teams. Each player selects 3 nations that they play. Using the SingleAgeComplete mod might allow more variety. This might give people an idea of how to merge nations abilities and coordinate for future team games. It might also be fun to have a large map with start locations set. Then give 3 start points close together to each player and allow them to place their nations as they see fit.
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