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Old January 17th, 2011, 03:12 PM
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Rytek Rytek is offline
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Default Re: A few random questions re: MA TC

The short answer is that TC has no unique thug. Better to take summons and buff them with your casters. As mentioned earlier, add ethereal and luck via a caster to a Bane and they become superb. This applies to alot of summons. Celestial soliders, behemoths, even small groups of calvary at the back of a formation set to hold and attack can be quite tough when just 1 mage casts body etereal X3 on them. The level 6 troll summons are decent vs the ai as it gives you a bunch of troll troops that excel at holding the AI chaff and gives you a commander you can thug out that can take out large groups by itself with just a few bits of equipment.
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