Re: A few random questions re: MA TC
In multi player, MA TC is one of the stronges nations in the middle age. Possibly second only to Ashdod. Single player is different though, because you get stuck fighting small indy armies on multiple fronts at the same time. TC lack both thugs and viable battle casters and are more geared towards big battles where they can throw on crazy buff and build huge communions.
Don't listen to the guys saying that TC have great battle mages. they are lying! On their own, TC's mages are terrible at battle evocations. The only way for TC to cast most spells is by building communions and that communion will a), not research, b) only be at one place at the time, and c) take up mage construction time from your Ministers of Magic, witch are the best researchers in the middle age.
The only mage TC have that can cast anti horde spells on their own, are their capitol only Celestial masters. They will occasionally get water 3 witch allow them to cast falling frost. The water 2 CMs can cast Ice strike, or get themself a water bracelet. Unfortunately they are Cap only and have movement speed 1. So you cant base your strategies completely around them.
So you need Communions. The simplest communion you can make consist of five Geomancers, divided into two masters and three slaves. Have the masters buff the communion with power of the spheres and earth power. Then cast Gifts from heaven on the enemys unsuspecting heads.