Re: A few random questions re: MA TC
Man, for being as popular as they are, these communions are a lot of work. The first two I made of five geomancers, one with all crystal matrices (because I discovered the crystal shield doesn't work unless the person holding it has a master matrix, casting communion master doesn't work) and one with the suggested script of master, power of spheres, earthpower, while slaves gift from heaven.
So the item one was lost on the first turn as one of the slaves was assassinated, basically ruining that and needing me to forge more matrices, and the spell one was intercepted by a tiny army as they were moving toward a big one and the communion worked mostly but maybe took out 2 giants while the archers I had screening them took out the most (I'm fighting against Jotunheim in the area where I have these guys).
Another thing I noticed is that while the master and slave all benefited from power of the spheres and earthpower, the master didn't receive any path benefit from the four slaves in the communion (all of them, master and slave, were 2S3E). I thought he was supposed to get an additional +2 in everything. Also, the slaves, since they were casting the heavy stuff, were fatigued out after two castings of GfH (all I had scripted after slave and two hold periods while the master cast the two buff spells). Meanwhile the master had plenty of energy left but as the script ended he just cast worthless stuff.
It seems unless you use the crystal shield and all the matrices, half of your script is just setting the communion up. By that time the enemy has already closed with your lines and your buffs aren't even up. You're left with basically two spells to script. And all your plans can be for naught if one lucky arrow or assassin takes out one of your guys.