Originally Posted by Stryke11
communion worked mostly but maybe took out 2 giants
If you got 2 GfH off per slave (as they should, before they pass out), then that is 2x4x3=24 meteors, each doing 150 points of damage. If just two of those hit a target, then you were very unlucky (even considering the horrible precission of GfH).
I discovered the crystal shield doesn't work unless the person holding it has a master matrix, casting communion master doesn't work
Yes, like I mentioned, Crystal shield works only in an instant communion. But it is very good in those (fatigue free PoS).
Why your master only had 3E2S I don't understand.
Never let your mages be without bodyguards. Never ever. If you can't spare even five militias to guard a mage, then you are doing something wrong

Not only will they protect the mages from assassins, but also allow the mages to leg out from combat if stercum hits the fan.
When you set up a communion, you do not set up at front. Let me try some amazing drawing skills:

This would be how I would set up as TC (with a geomancer commune) against an AI nation using giants. The enemy combat AI targets first the single slingers. Then your "tanks" (troops with shields and preferably heavy armour) walk into contact, making contact on round 3 or 4. The archers/x-bowmen are optional (and might be an overkill against normal smallish AI armies, but there is no better kill than overkill, is there?

), but if you field them they are firing at the giants while the mages buff up. Rounds 4 and 5 the mages fire the GfH, and it is *very* likely the giants will run.
If you are fighting a *large* giant army, then you need to replace the single slingers with mages who cast slowing spells (mentioned above). You do *not* want the giants to make contact with your troops early (or at all
