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Old January 19th, 2011, 04:28 PM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Default Re: Great Forum, game running

Just popping in to say that the turns keep getting delayed due to how the llamaserver reacts to various events. In the past there were problems with the llamaserver, such as hosting games while its email client was down, and (when patches came out) accepting turns and hosting games with different turn versions, which caused problems in games for obvious reasons.

As such, llamabeast added a few auto-delay scripts to his server, whereby it would immediately delay games if it detected a patch, or if it detected a problem with its email client. And over the past week or two, these auto-delays have triggered a few times due to the patch (maybe email problems as well), and this has subsequently led to many games being automatically delayed, and without the admin of the games doing anything.

The llamaserver is a great server provided free of charge to the Dominions community by the very generous llamabeast. But in return for this, players who use it have to realise that there are times the llamaserver experiences a few problems, and there are times when a few gremlins creep in that means it stops functioning smoothly. And at these times, players need to have a bit of patience, and common sense, until the problems are sorted out. And patience in this case can sometimes mean waiting a few weeks, and not a few hours, for all the problems to be sorted out by llamabeast (who himself has a full time job and a busy real life)

But the patch has now officially been released, and while I can't speak directly for llamabeast or his server, the llamaserver does appear to have been updated, so all these auto-delays should now stop (or at least all of them related to the patch), meaning the server should now be back to operating its business as usual.

Although forewarning, if a bug is reported in the patch that prompts the need for another patch release (which is what happened with the last patch IIRC), then you can expect the same auto-delays to kick in due to the patch. And as I said, if that happens, the patience and tolerance of the players who use the server is appreciated, while the llamaserver is sorted out.

And, I hope all that helped answer the question as to why all the delays keep happening
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