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Old January 20th, 2011, 10:54 AM

Thanatus del Dragos Thanatus del Dragos is offline
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Default Re: Turbocharged AI vs Humanities Last Hope

Brainstorming time...yea, pretender designed...hmmm...gonna have to think about this...I'm not terribly bright...I don't need a SC becasue I have big *** giants, have to decide on either a rainbow to search for independent mages, as my non capital mages are crap and limited or a bless strategy for my pretty good holy troops and holy mages. Earth and Nature are always a nice choice for giant types, these guys seem to suffer from some end problems...if I go for a bless strategy, then I might as well imprison the god, and make decent order for cash, and research, as my non capital mages are, I really am a newb, just can't make a decision yet...going to have to play around tonight.
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