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Old January 21st, 2011, 03:31 AM

Thierry Thierry is offline
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Default Re: Idea for a mod : any comment ?

Thank you for your insights.

It seemed to me that Marignon was close to France, but closer to Spain. Flagelants for instance were really more spanish than french. Then again neighbour countries often share much in common.

I can't help thinking that there are interesting specifics that would make a nice mod. Definitively more knight oriented. I'll browse through legends and folklore to see where to draw the magic parts. Mainly which and demons dealing sorcere from my childhood stories.. Slingers (from my namesake who used to be as famous as Robin Hood in France)

Also I truly believe we miss something by not having a 'thousand night' theme, with djins, efreets and aladin. Something based on fire, but different from Abisia (camel riders, etc...). Probably an air and fire nation ?
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