Thread: Gentlemen
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Old January 21st, 2011, 03:42 PM
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GrudgeBringer GrudgeBringer is offline
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Default Gentlemen

As some of you know, my son (Ragnars Wolves) wife had a car accident and he has had to bow out of Dom for the present time.This is also affecting my Wife and myself but luckily he lives in my guest house,so we are close.

I have noticed in the last few months that the mods, patches, and new data has come fast and made this a better game. But I haven't really had the time (or to be quite honest the effort) to keep current. With this problem occuring with my son at the present time I am going to take a long break from Dom. I have tried to play this game honorably and have taken the Palidin route and to my knowledge, have never broken my word. I take great satisfaction in that.

I have been on here almost 3 years now (wow, time flies) and have made some GREAT friends, and to you guys I say thank you for making this a very pleasurable exp. Honestly, I think 1 game for three years says wonders about the game and the community (both of them).

But I think three years is long enough for one game (But you never know if you will get Dom fever again or not) for me and I say Thanks to all and Goodbye.
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