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Old January 22nd, 2011, 11:40 AM

Azurain Azurain is offline
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Default Re: Assimilation (Conquered Lands)

Originally Posted by Aethyr View Post
Azurain, thanks for the idea and hard work. I have not tried it yet, but it sounds like a lot of fun.

I'm thinking of organizing a game in a few weeks, with traditional settings as opposed to the variant that's been out there for a while, and I'd be willing to give this a try if there is enoguh interest. Are there any compatibility issues with EDM?
There shouldn't be any compatibility issues unless it happens to modify startsites or use any site numbers between 820 and 845. I can check at some point but personal life complications just came up and I won't have much spare attention to devote to things for a bit.
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