Originally Posted by Colonial
Yeah, with that change I can defenately see a use for it. Fearless elephant if nothing else.
Fearless and encumbrance 0 elephant.
Trampling attacks quickly tucker regular elephants out in long battles, at which point they'll either get cut to ribbons or just stand there like idiots, blocking the fresh elephants behind them. This is especially true with armoured elephants and in fort battles. Behemoths OTOH just keep on trucking, and even put the fear of god in the poor schmucks they
didn't grind into mush for good measure.
At 6D a piece they'd already be nice on their own, if you've got cheap S1 mages to give them luck and body ethereal they can be devastating. Just ask MA Ermor, who with a bit of effort can even make their dead, ethereal, lucky, MR boosted, action points boosted elephant corps
fly if they want to

. Sure, it's hard to set up, wasteful and probably not that much more efficient that plain old S buffed Behemoths, but dude: Flying. Elephant. Ghost. Zombies.
Now GoR a few. Give 'em slave matrices, have a master cast Fire Shield. Now you've got Flying Elephant Ghost Zombies ON FIRE! and you've pretty much won the game then and there. Or you can sell the rights to SyFy Pictures. Either way, it can't go wrong.