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Old January 24th, 2011, 04:41 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: Idea for a mod : any comment ?

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
I thought that Marverni was France (i.e. the Gauls). Anyway, sounds like a nice idea, although I don't think the trample thing will work very well.
Yes, Marverni does have a strong Asterix vibe to it, doesn't it ? .

I think a France nation would go Marverni for EA, Frankish heavy infantry and knights in chainmail for the MA (think Charlemagne & conquest of England) while the LA would be the 100 Years War period with superb plated lancers, lots of castles, shielded crossbowmen (France made extensive use of Italian mercenaries in the HYW, even if they didn't like them and often actively screwed them as happened at Agincourt) and regular, perhaps low morale/high armor infantry. Knightly commanders could have the option of recruiting freespawn serfs like the Mictan ones do.

So, basically, very much like the progression of Man only with different magics. Water would make for devastating charges using Quickness. Earth would fit with the whole heavy armour theme. Christian summons are usually Astral in this game.

An important part of French history was the socio-cultural conflict between the North and the South who spoke different languages, had very different traditions and even religions (Catharism, worship of Mary Magdalene were widespread in the south), so you could have two very different flavours of mages. Troubadours and minstrels were also very important so a copy of Man's bard (again, with a different magic path) is all but mandatory, at least in the LA. Speaking of the LA, you could give them a recruitable H3 Antipope to represent the Avignon papacy.

As for national summons and heroes:
- superknights (Roland with his mountain-cleaving Durandal sword, Charles Martel, Godfrey of Bouillon, St. Joan of Arc of course)
- in the same vein, the (holy?) knights Templar and Hospitaller. They used their own equipment and treasury so shouldn't cost upkeep or gold for the French god.
- Reynard the fox and his acolytes Bruin the bear, Tybalt the cat, Baldwin the ***, Ysengrin the wolf and his wife Hirsent the she-wolf. The Roman de Renart featuring the titular trickster fox was huge in the Middle Ages. I figure the protagonists could be immortal animals with special properties, be it dominion spread, stealthy unrest, growth... There's a possibility for magic diversity there as well.
- you could tap into heretical beliefs of the time: Catharism & Gnosticism, the supposed worship of Baphomet by the Templars, the Pastoureaux... don't know much about those myself, but it's an idea.
- Maybe astral/water or astral/earth Angels to match those of Marignon ?
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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