Originally Posted by Executor
No need to upgrade til the game says so, which I imagine will be this, and by this I mean when it hosts, for you my friend.
There have been hiccups from time to time in the last few days, I presume it should return to normal soon enough.
And btw, I would have also advanced on the central front had you not burned my lab, and of course if half of my SCs weren't gazing at the stars 
Ok, sounds good, thank you.
About central front - good, that's why I have burned that lab.

Basically for the last few turns I've been doing all I can to slow down your advance on the central front. I desperetely needed time to rebuild my defenses after you have wiped my best 7 SCs and my army, and I was afraid you would push forward before I was ready. BTW if you did push forward I would not be able to stop you, and you would almost certainly overrun all ex-Abyssia territory in few turns with your hordes of undeads that were no longer contained by the bottleneck province and my army protecting it. Which would also lead to my southern army being surrounded and trapped.
You may still be able to pull it off, but at leasy now I had quite a few turns to put together new army to stand againt your forces there.