Originally Posted by Finalgenesis
It's okay, I'm not looking for compensation. It seems from replies in your thread that I can't get a rollback without the risk of ruining it for someone/everyone, I'm satisfied with the verdict, thanks for your efforts sanj! It's just not meant to be.
Should I look for a sub or are we okay with me turning AI? If AI I'll use 1 turn to pay back (or try to) what I owe before going AI, I won't be do anything with the turn except send out gems/items, so feel free to pick over the lean carcass and grab some freebie provs.
I hope it doesn't seem like I'm bailing out here, I am more then happy to fight a doomed war to the bitter end and get some good bruises from human players (and hopefully give some), whereas putting time + effort into a game that stales me out of the blue (twice) due to a bug is too painful to put up with and continue investing efforts into, I hope everyone understands. I suppose now that I'm aware of the timer bug for this game I can compensate in various ways to prevent future server screws if I stayed, but the damage has already been done and I can't find the will to pick up the pieces for a second time.
Edit: no reply from llama regarding the timer issue yet, but anyway it should no longer be one once I'm out of this game.
Best wishes then FinalG. I'm not
in to spankings but I greatly enjoyed your cunning mischief. Also, mightly Volt is a still living legend. With the Aegis.. well... nuff said. (though Bob the Vastness is far more dear to me and Agartha looks forward to his return from the void with sweaty palms and palpitating hearts).