Thread: Utility No Indies map generator
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Old January 28th, 2011, 09:56 PM

Kobal2 Kobal2 is offline
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Default Re: No Indies map generator

Originally Posted by Makinus View Post
I tried to use your utility with the latest CBM + single age mod and it changes all pops to Firbolg (spelling?)...

BTW, even with 0% chance of pop the utility still says that some indepentends are being generated...
Had the same problem. Open up the generated map file and replace all instances of '#poptype 89' with '#poptype 99' (without the quotes), this should remove the firbolgs.

As for the second one, no real solution but you can click on "set pop types" until it's 0 everywhere. That being said, it's really not much trouble to make pure NI maps without automation - all you need to do is append a list of

#setland XX
#poptype 99

at the end of the file, where XX goes from 1 to the last province number. If you're not sure exactly how many provinces there are check earlier in the file, they're all defined in the #landname #terraintype block.
Even by hand this takes about 5 minutes, tops.
Anything wrong ?
Blame it on me - I'm the French.
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