Originally Posted by Debaser8
Why not just put gemgens on summonable creatures like that sea troll thing that cost money in upkeep? Also, make them desert if there is no money left (this might be impossible to implement). That way gemgens are capped by income/territory and can't be spammed indefinitely (well up to 50).
While putting the gem gen on a specific unit does help somewhat, it doesn't solve the problem of gems being turned into ever greater numbers of gems. Also, commanders _can't_ desert, so even if you were operating at a deficit you wouldn't need to worry about losing your gem supply. Non-commanders can't have gem generating abilities of course since they don't have an inventory. Thus, you still aren't limited by income/territory.
Before you ask, no you can't set a specific number of summons like the ele royalty, and no you can't make it so you can only have 1 summon per province. Simple price adjustments won't really solve the problem, since the cost/benefit is based on the size of the game. Not to mention that gem gens didn't really make "underpowered" nations all that much better since many power nations had little difficulty forging them themselves. If you really want to hash over gem gens again then search the forums for the 1.6 thread, there was plenty of drama over them in that thread IIRC.