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Old February 1st, 2011, 02:39 PM

Iffriel Iffriel is offline
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Default Re: A new pretender. The King in Yellow

Well, He's showing up in game now, though he's not able to enter combat, the game now throws up a new error - pointless unitfx

I've also made some amendments to his atributes that's less over powered

#modname "The Carcosian Spirit"
#description "Dom3 Unit Maker, by ParadoxHarbinger"
#newmonster 2999
#spr1 "the King in Yellow copy tga.tga"
#spr2 "the King in Yellow - attacking tga.tga" 
#name "Carcosian Spirit"
#descr "A spirit from dim Carcosa, the black city built long before 

those who now inhabit it arived and took shelter there, a city at the 

edge of the lake of Harli, twin suns setting beneith it's waters and 

where black stars shine in the sky. He is a festering insipid spirit, 

his yellow tattered robs and palid mask hang beneith a sickly golden 

crown. Creeping into your dreams he whispers of great things and 

promises he will not keep, and you will wear his yellow sign and 

become his servant, forgetting all he has offered you."
#hp 42
#size 2
#ressize 2
#prot 16
#mor 40
#mr 20
#enc 3
#str 14
#att 12
#def 9
#prec 17
#mapmove 3
#ap 10
#gcost 0
#rcost 0
#weapon 85 -- Tentacle
#weapon 369 -- Curse
#weapon 395 -- Shadow Brand
#startdom 3
#pathcost 47
#itemslots 28678 -- two hands, three misc
#magicskill 4 2
#magicskill 5 2
#stealthy 2
#reinvigoration 2
#fear 15
#incunrest 10
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