@ Nrasch, thanks for the gems.. I hope you are not giving up? You may try bells of cleansing and demon banes. Also those Shishs (Air summon) which has special bite against demons. If you need some anti fire equipment I could forge some.
I'm clad that the conversation about cheating has come to an end. From my perspective game "rules" were that everything should be posted to the forum. I posted Nrasch's PM and my answer to it. If you're more into chatting in irc or using PM's it's no biggie for me as long as you bring your conversation here as it was.. hopefully when the topic is still relevant
@ Num
I am close to the point when I shall not be able to defend myself effectively against Machaka. My territory is full of invincible monsters I have hard times to fight with.
If you could finish off Bandar Log very quickly, we should have a chance.
Please.. you have SC's as much (or more) as I have. You've owned the last few fights with your lightning batteries and Zmey's. Do you have a forging site where your precious pretender sits?