I think the nosferatu is a bit overpriced, at least when compared to CBM. It is more expensive than the vamp queen, and has worse stats.
Most of the pathcosts look a bit high.
But the Demon Sultan just looks scary. Turn 1 immortal stone sword anyone? Which seems to be reasonably priced. At 200

. (The s1 actually makes it a bit worse. As it is now magic duellable). Also 1/8 is bit low move. Low move + no slots make it a bit weak.
The All-In-One can get some strange afflictions. It can lose an eye in the hidden form, which influences the other form. And it also has a bit low move and strength in the all-in-one form. (And it needs a different sprite, it way to vastness looking).
Ps: remember that it is better to have a lower gcost pretender chassis because you could wish summon them. Wishing for Demon Sultans creates some scary SC's.