Originally Posted by Korwin
Originally Posted by Nosantee
Originally Posted by adder83
If you didnt like that turn, then this turn must have been pure hell 
Lets just say I've lost unless I can pull a rabbit out of my hat
Is you Capital under siege, like mine?
(or did something change in the current turn? Couldnt look at it)
Basically due to me not knowing that routing isn't determined after each fight he cut off an escape route I figured would be safe.
I lost 16 mages and 100 hoplites in the turn. He's sieging one of my forts too. And your cap ain't under siege anymore. Well, it is, but its just a scout lol. My mages on your side are cornered. If both of you just keep pushing a bit I'm sure you've got me haha.
I still can't believe T'ien'chi went about this the way he did... I mean... Assaulting Arco with traditional armies (90% archers at that!!!). That's insane, its expected I'd have had elephants which would slaughter them and would just trample. I expected his expectation that he didn't have and wen't anti-mage/general army.
Lesson learned. Just mass elephants in the beginning and slowly transition into mages. This game has been a huge boon to my learning that not everyone thinks about elephants from the start.