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Old February 7th, 2011, 11:26 AM

Saros Saros is offline
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Default Re: Cradle to the Grave--for noobies with a record of no staling--FULL

Massed archers are generally considered a far better counter to elephants than infantry as they all get to attack and elephants go down pretty quick with enough set on fire monsters. Armored hopolites on the other hand are almost missile immune thanks to shield + high prot.
Generally I find you want a squad of elephants (maybe a dozen) then the rest it more conventional units. That means the opponents is forced to counter the elephants at the expense of being able to fight your infantry.
Also don't forget the trick of putting hypnatists into elephant squads to boost their morale.

In other news it turns out I have to go away for four days (8th to 12th.) I will take a portable install and will do my best to get turns in but I don't know exactly if/when I will be able to.
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