Thread: Mod CBM 1.8 released
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Old February 7th, 2011, 12:40 PM

TheConway TheConway is offline
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

You still seriously think I'm sombre? /sigh, while I have a certain amount of sympathy for him, I am not in fact an alt of his. He has stated that he has no wish to return, and AFAIK he has not. There really isn't a reason for him to. He has a place to host his mods and talk to people he actually respects. I actually agree with you that changing Edi's name was rather childish.

That said, calling edi an "influential member of the community" is a joke. The buglist is cool, and the DB is amazing for modding, but my standard for "influential member" requires more than 1 post every couple months. Take away posts he makes as a moderator and he's contributed very little to forum discussion for the last couple years. None of the mods have tbh.

RE: editing sombre's mods, he actually asked shrapnel to remove them from the site or post links to the dom3mods forums, and they basically gave him the runaround to the point where he simply decided "**** them" and people could just play outdated versions if they damn well pleased.
Edit: llama has actually taken the blame for this, so my info is wrong/outdated I guess.

Its fairly obvious that you haven't even lurked at the dom3mods forums much beyond the first couple weeks, so you can keep your opinions on them to yourself.

Last edited by TheConway; February 7th, 2011 at 01:00 PM..
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