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Old February 8th, 2011, 05:48 PM

Ragnoff Ragnoff is offline
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Default Re: Great Forum, game running

Ok, I asked this when I first came aboard, and got little to no response, so I will ask again, what NAPs currently exist between ANYONE?

Here is the list from the first post: (NAP3 unless a 5 is listed)

Bandar log - Abysia (Since cancelled)
Shinuyama - Abysia
Jotun - Bandar Log
Bandar Log - Vanheim
Vanheim - Jotunheim
R'lyeh - Abysia
Jotunheim - Abysia (5)
Machaka - R'lyeh
Bandar Log - R'lyeh (5)
Shinumyama - Bandar Log
Shinuyama - R'lyeh (5)
Abysia - Vanheim (5)
After I joined Bander Log promised not to attack Machaka, Jotunheim has asked for but not received a NAP from R'lyeh, and I cancelled the Abyssia-Bander Log NAP

Is this still basically correct? Are there any others?

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