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Old February 9th, 2011, 09:06 AM
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Default Re: Mod compatibility problems, advice needed

I cannot reproduce your problems. I had your mods working, and it all looked fine.

Can you ensure the following:
- You are running version 3.26
- You only use the three mods you put into the zipfile.

(And I would advise you to get the newest versions of the mods, and not use the mapmodbrowser, I don't know how up to date all the mods there are).

Edit: I know that checking two forums and doing a lot of searching is a pain in the ***. But only basing your mod information on the modmapbrowser could give you buggy mods, outdated mods, etc. It just doesn't provide enough information. And not all mods work correctly in the newest versions of dom3.
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