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Old February 9th, 2011, 10:40 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: "A Song of Ice and Fire", veterans-only game, MA. In progress, midgame...

Ah, yeah, I know I should have continued onwards but in my defense I was scared of all the artifacts you kept throwing at me.
Seriously tho, I kinda expected Jotun to put a lot more pressure on you and overrun you with flying demons since the majority of your forces were involved with me atm and had been weakened.

I think this game went south for me when I chose to overlook BL and went against Ulm instead as I had a NAP 6 Lolomo made. Though It'd take too long to get canceled.
It went even more south when I chose to send a very limited amount of troops to take over Ulm veeery slowly, and BL putting up Sea of Ice didn't help later.
Also, I probably shouldn't have made peace with Vanheim but it made sense at the time, before TC attacked him too. At that point it became rather easy for you to take over Van with him focusing on TC more and going on a bloody vengeance murder rampage.

All in all, I think you're getting really close to winning this. I certainly can't beat you alone, and now with my central force crushed with very limited loses on your side it's probably just a matter of time. So far I managed to keep up gem vise, killing more SCs than I lost, but now that's changed.

As for the battle, unfortunately some Tartarians I wanted there went all crazy on me but I chose to chose to attack anyway.
I really thought I'd have you beat. I counted on flames from the sky to cripple your communions, hit some important buff mages etc, than the wolven winter to reduce the power of the Ember Lords if only for a fraction trough defense and encumbrance, and I kinda hoped the swamp penalty + cold would fatigue out at least some of your Ember Lords. But damn you with your weightles items and high reinvigoration!!!

As for scripting, I sent only 20ish theurgs to get the needed buffs online before they die out of fatigue from > MA, UM, WOTF, AM, fog warriors and all the other buffs I cast trough a communion.
The plan was to enslave your troops which would mess up your communions, scripting and kill mages hopefully, than have my own buffs cover your enslaved troops and keep your SCs busy.
Than while your SCs were busy killing chaff troops my SCs would slowly pound them into dust. I even equped as much as I could with elixirs and phoenix pyre for durability.
That never happened...
It went perfectly until turn 4-5 I think, I managed to completely crush your mage force, throw off your scripting and eliminate your troops, but...
Unfortunately it seems I never got trough my chaff, and just stood there while your SCs slowly showered me with elemental magic which ultimately killed me.
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