Re: Enslave Mind Q
I've had my blood marshal charmed, and he was equipped with several artifacts.
the reason he came in range was probably because I gave him thick armor, and some winged boots to go along is he could close in before the end of the flight.
As a result my grand army of Ulm infantry, ghoul gardians, and vampire thralls was left without a leader, and the enemy began using him as their prime general. With all those dandy artifacts.
In another game, my first tactic is to have my overpowered divine emperor cast that master enslave spell that converts large groups of people at a time. That was nice. I was campaigning against C'tis and I ended up getting my own bodyguard of lizard lords.
Of course, a lot of the troops I converted simply died by the hand of their former comrades, but that was the whole point. Have them fight against each other until my principes and living statues could wipe them out.
Very cool stuff.