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Old February 11th, 2011, 10:43 PM
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Default Re: An Open Letter to Illwinter Game Design

I love this game. I play it more than any game I've ever had.
I still play it, and I've never stopped playing it, even after nearly four years. I can't say that for other games.

But what really gets to me is the micromanagement involved in having to mobilize my armies. Each turn, I must tell commanders in all my provinces to go one province further. Oh, how I wish I could simply say "Go there!" and leave them to figure it out for themselves. Moving troops from deep within my territory to the war front is exhausting because of this. Especially on large maps, which are the ones I prefer.
I'd also like to be able to have my provinces recycle recruit orders, so I don't have to go province to province clicking on Ulm pikeman. But that is secondary to moving.
Even if such changes will never be made (and I don't believe they will), I will still love this game.
But whatever could be wrong with more love?
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